Saturday, January 31, 2009

31 Jan – 1 Feb, 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
1. There is an Altar Servers’ meeting Next Sunday at 2pm in the Basement Chapel. Attendance is compulsory.
2. Starting from this weekend, servers are to stand up and sit down together after communion when communion in the centre aisle has been completely distributed. Take the cue from the P.A.
3. Be reminded to put your bags in the servers’ cupboard; do not leave it around the sacristy.
4. Servers are to hang their cassock covers on the metal rack; do not hang them on the cupboards.
5. Please take home the Servers’ Retreat consent form, and return it by 8th Feb, Sunday. You can drop your forms into the transparent box.
6. Luke Yeo has left the servers to study in Perth. Please pray for him.
7. Bryan Khoo has returned to serve at our Parish after a short absence. Please pray for him.
8. Your vice president, Nicholas Lim, is down with chicken pox; please pray for a speedy recovery for him.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Annoucement 24th-25th January 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Times

1. The Altar Servers Ex-Co would like to thank all the servers for their support at the canteen last week. It was a success.
2. If you have and friends or relatives who want to join the altar servers, ask them to get a copy of the application form.
3. Be reminded to put your bags in the servers cupboard, do not leave it around the sacristy.
4. Servers are to hang their cassock covers on the metal rack, do not hang them on the cupboards.
5. Please be reminded that there will not be any communion plates for all masses.
6. The Chinese New Year roster is on the cupboard. Please check if you are serving. It is not counted as a weekday mass. Bring cape and sash.
7. Please take home the Servers’ Retreat consent form, and return it by 8th Feb, Sunday. You can drop your forms into the transparent box.
8.The Sharing Groupings for the Retreat and Spiritual Sessions has been updated with some changes to the group facilitators.
9.This is a reminder for servers to submit their canteen contribution, if they have not done so. Place your canteen contribution in an envelope with your name return on it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chinese New Year Mass Roster (updated)

7am Mass

Ashley Tan
Benjamin Tay
David de Souza
Emmanuel Er
Geoffrey Tan
Gerard Nagulendran
John de Jesus
Jonathan Tan
Joshua de Jesus
Joshua de Souza
Joshua Tan Jia Xuan
Jonathan Pong
Justin Quah
Justin Yeo
Lucas Tay
Maximillian Er
Mel Wong
Nigel Chew
Sean Chan
Shawn Wong
Sherman Lim
Zachery Zuzarte

9am Mass

Andrew Tsui
Brandon Ong
Bryan Lee
Bryan Ong
Colin Hernandez
Daniel Vijay
Darren Ong
Gerald Tan
Gregory Tan
Isaac Berchmans
Jeremy Wong
Julian Lee
Jordan Cheong
Joshua Wong
Nevin Hernandez
Nicholas Lim
Nicholas Rankine
Nicholas Wong
Nigel Rankine
Raphael Ng
Timothy Loi
Timothy Wong

11am Mass

Andre Dumont
Ashwin Mark
Basil Chew
Benedict Koh
Brandon Yang
Bryan Tan
Daniel Chua
Dominic Lim
Ethan Galistan
Gabriel Yong
Ian Quek
Joel Moosa
Jonathan Ho
Joshua Tan Chun Heng
Joshua Tan Yong Chuan
Luke Yeo
Matthew Ch’ng
Matthew Kwan
Matthew Phua
Patrick Chia
Raphael Theseira
Reuben Theseira

1) This mass is not counted as a weekday mass. Please remember to serve your usual Weekday Masses.
2) Please remember to bring along your cape and sash.
3) Servers in bold are sacristans for that respective mass.

Roster IC: Edward Tan

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Canteen 18th January 2009 Roster

The canteen roster for the 18th January 2009 canteen can be downloaded from the following link.

Annoucements 10-11th January, Baptism of the Lord

1. The Servers’ Annual Retreat will be held on 18th to 20th March this year.
2. Be reminded about the slight change to the demerit point system starting this year.
3. All red packets received by altar servers or sacristans from wedding and funerals are to be submitted even if received from relatives.
4. Servers who need a new servers’ shirt, please come and see Joel, Shawn or Nicholas.
5. In an attempt to raise funds, Chinese New Year Cookie forms will be distributed. Please encourage your parents to support us. A Chinese New Year duty roster is on the notice board. Please submit the forms by This Sunday.
6. The canteen roster is out on the notice board; please check when your duty is. Servers are NOT EXEMPTED from catechism class.
7. After the 2nd bells, remember to watch the person doing 2nd bells for the cue to stand.
8. Starting from this weekend, there will be no more communion plate during all masses. The tallest server on reader side need not take the communion plates during the Lamb of God.
9. Be reminded that Servers’ canteen is Next week. Please wear the servers’ shirt. An ex-co member will call you and ask you what you will be contributing. An ex-co member will summarise the important announcements for the canteen next week.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Annoucements 3-4th Jan Feast of the Epiphany

1. The Servers’ Annual Retreat will be held on 18th to 20th March this year.
2.Servers, who did not come for the Christmas Gathering last week and haven’t received their gifts yet, are to look for Joel, Shawn or Nicholas.
3. Be reminded about the slight change to the demerit point system starting this year.
4.Also be reminded to the change in the weekend mass timings on Sunday. The 10.45am mass will be changed to 11am, and the 6pm mass on Sunday will be changed to 5.30pm. Therefore, Group 4 servers are to report to the sacristy at 10.30am, while Group 5 servers are to report to the sacristy at 5pm.
5. All red packets received by altar servers or sacristans from wedding and funerals are to be submitted even if received from relatives.
6. All servers are no longer required to serve their 2 weekdays Masses. However, servers are reminded to serve their usual 1 weekday mass.
7.In an attempt to raise funds for next year, Chinese New Year Cookie forms will be distributed. Please encourage your parents to support us. A Chinese New Year duty roster is on the notice board.
8.The Holy Hour and Novena roster for the new year is on the notice board, please check and take note when your group is serving. The wedding roster for the month of January is also on the notice board, please check if you are serving, let Matthew Ch’ng know early if you cannot serve.
9.Martin Ho is leaving the servers on 9 Jan and he will be joining the altar servers at Holy Family church, as he is moving house. Pray for him as he serves God in another church.

Roster for Flier distribution

Roster For the Giving Out of the CNY cookies Flyer
10th Jan Saturday 6pm
Aloysius Wee
Timothy Loi
Nigel Rankine
Nicholas Rankine
Shawn Wong
11th Jan Sunday 7 am
Nigel Chew
Issac Chong
Julian Lee
Reuben Theseira
Nicholas Lim
11th Jan Sunday 9am
Matthew Phua
Kevin Ngo
Jonathan Pong
Benjamin Tay
Nicholas Lim
11th Jan Sunday 11am
Bryan Ong
Jerome Chee
Justin Yeo
Ethan Galistan
Nicholas Lim
11th Jan Sunday 5.30pm
Mel Wong
Nicholas Wong
Timothy Wong
Andrew Tsui
Shawn Wong

The following Servers are to report 20 minutes before the start of mass and will be
dismissed 20 minutes after the mass.

If you are unable to report please find a replacement. Failure to do so will result in 1 demerit point as an act of irresponsibility.
The above mentioned servers are to wear their Altar Servers' Shirt to distribute the fliers.

Report to the Server whose name is in bold and in red at the Church Porch.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Altar Servers' Society wishes one and all a Happy New Year! May God shower you with abundant blessings in the year ahead!