Saturday, March 28, 2009

Holy Saturday Roster 11th April 7.30pm

Aloysius Wee
Benedict Koh
Bryan Ong
Edward Tan
Gabriel Yong
Jeremy Wong
Joel Moosa
John de Jesus
Jonathan Pong
Kenneth Tan
Matthew Ch’ng
Matthew Tan
Nicholas Lim
Nigel Chew
Raphael Ng
Raphael Theseira
Shawn Wong
Sherman Lim
Timothy Loi

· Bring cape and sash.
· Servers are to be in church by 5pm.
· Group 1 servers who are not on the roster are to serve another mass.
· Training dates are Sunday, 29 March and Saturday, 11 April.

Annoucements 29th March- 30th March 5th Sunday of Lent

1. The Holy Thursday roster is up on the notice board, please check if you are serving on the altar. Time of the Holy Thursday mass has been changed to 7pm. Servers are to be in the basement chapel at 5pm. Bring cape and sash.
2. The Holy Saturday roster is also up on the notice board, please check if you are serving. Holy Saturday mass training is this Sunday at 3.30pm.
3. The Good Friday and Silent Adoration roster are up on the notice board, please check when you are serving. Training for Good Friday service is next Sunday 5th April. Timing is as follows: 9am servers is at 12.30pm. 12pm servers is at 2pm. 3pm servers is at 3.30pm.
4. Since it is the season of lent, servers are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross every Friday.
5. Servers, who cannot serve Holy Thursday mass, please look for Joel Moosa.
6. Passion Play roster is up on the notice board, please check if you are involve.
7.An ex-co member will tell you more on the Serra Club Nomination objective.

Please take note that the objective of the Serra Club Nominations is so that you may get to vote who will represent us as a society toward the rest of the Churches in Singapore. The people you vote for should be people you admire or look up to, or shine as the face of Christ to you. This is not a competition but a way to recognize people who have so willingly served the church and re-inspire servers to the call of service on the Altar.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Holy Thursday Roster

Holy Thursday Mass

Andrew Tsui
Ethan Galistan
Geoffrey Tan
Jeremy Wong
Joel Moosa
Joshua Tan Chung Heng
Joshua Wee
Joshua Wong
Kevin Ngo
Matthew Ch’ng
Matthew Phua
Nicholas Lim
Niel Casio
Nigel Chew
Nigel Rankine
Raphael Ng
Raphael Theseira
Reuben Theseira
Shawn Wong

Servers not on the roster are to serve on the pews.
· Bring cape and sash.
· Servers are to report at 5.30pm.We will let you know the training dates on a later date.

Annoucements 21-22th March 4th Sunday of Lent

1. The Ex-Co would like to thank all the servers who have attended the Altar Servers’ Retreat.
2. The Holy Thursday roster is up on the notice board, please check if you are serving on the altar.
3. The Holy Saturday roster is also up on the notice board, please check if you are serving.
4. The Good Friday and Silent Adoration roster will be up by next week.
5. Since it is the season of lent, servers are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross every Friday.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Annoucements 15-16th March 3rd Sunday of Lent

1. Please be reminded that the Servers’ Retreat is on 18th to 20th March. All servers are to assemble at the parish hall foyer at 9am sharp. Take note that breakfast is not provided on the first day. 2. Things that are compulsory to be brought to the retreat: Servers’ T-Shirt, Long Pants, Rosary, and Bible. Sleeping bags are optional. 3. Please note that phones and other entertainment gadgets are strictly prohibited. Bag checks will be conducted. 4. Servers do not need to wear the servers’ t-shirt on the 1st day. 5. If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please ask the ex-co members. 6. Since it is the season of lent, servers are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross every Friday.

7.Facilitars are reminded that they have spiritual preperation today,from 1pm-4pm at the Good Sheperds Room

8.Servers are strongly encouraged to serve weekday masses on Monday and Tuesday , Wenesday morning, Friday evening and Saturday morning this week.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Packing List for Retreat

The Packing List and Consent Form for Retreat 2009 can be downloaded from the sidebar under "Downloads", or at the link below:

Retreat Consent Form/Packing List

Special Events Mass Roster (March 2009)

Wedding Mass
Saturday 21 Mar 2009
Aloysius Wee
Sherman Lim

Joshua Tan CH

Legion of Mary Mass
Sunday 29 Mar 2009
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Bryan Lee
Joshua Wee
Jonathan Ho
Joshua Tan JX

Raphael Theseira

Charismatic Mass
Monday 30 Mar 2009
Daniel Chua
Benedict Koh

Julian Lee

• Be in the Sacristy half an hour before the start of mass. For the Charismatic mass, report to the back of the Parish Hall by 8.00pm sharp.
• If you are unable to serve, find a replacement and inform Matthew Ch’ng at least a week before the mass.
• These masses are counted as a weekday mass.
• The wedding mass and the Legion of Mary mass will be held in the main church. Charismatic mass is held in the Parish Hall.

Annoucements 7-8th March 2nd Sunday of Lent

1. Please be reminded that the Servers’ Retreat is on 18th to 20th March. All servers are to assemble at the parish hall foyer at 9am sharp. Take note that breakfast is not provided on the first day.
2. Things that are compulsory to be brought to the retreat: Servers’ T-Shirt, Long Pants, Rosary, and Bible. Sleeping bags are optional.
3. Please note that phones and other entertainment gadgets are strictly prohibited. Bag checks will be conducted.
4. Servers do not need to wear the servers’ t-shirt on the 1st day.
5. If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please ask the ex-co members.
6. Since it is the season of lent, servers are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross every Friday.