Saturday, July 11, 2009

Annoucements 11th-12th July 15th Sunday in Ordinary Times

1. The Annual Servers Investiture consent form is out this Sunday, please take it home and get it signed.
2. There will not be any weekday morning and evening masses this coming week from 13 – 18 July, due to the priests’ retreat. Servers do not need to serve, but are encouraged to attend the communion service within the week.
3. Secondary servers are to sell the SFX Fun-Fair tickets, tickets will be distributed to each secondary server.
4. Any servers who want to buy the SFX Fun-Fair tickets can buy it at $10.
5. Fr John Sim’s magazine is in the servers cupboard, servers are to approach an exco member if they want a copy for the family.
6. This Saturday 18 July, Group 1 is doing Novena.

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