Saturday, July 18, 2009

Annoucements 18-19 July 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The Annual Servers Investiture consent form is out, please take it home and get it signed.
2. Secondary servers are to sell the SFX Fun-Fair tickets, tickets will be distributed to each secondary server. Please look for Joel if you have not gotten the tickets yet.
3. Any servers who want to buy the SFX Fun-Fair tickets can buy it at $10.
4. Fr John Sim’s magazine is in the servers’ cupboard, servers are to approach an exco member if you want a copy for your family.
5. Please pray for Lucy She, who is the one who make the cassocks for the Altar Servers Society, she has fractured her arm. Pray that she has a speedy recovery.
6. This Saturday 25 July, Group 2 is doing Novena.

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