Saturday, May 21, 2011

Announcements 21 – 22 May, 5th Sunday of Easter

1. All servers are to take note that the Servers’ Retreat is on 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it. Please take home a copy of the Retreat consent form and get it signed and return by 22nd May, Sunday.

2. Servers are to hand up the $50 for the Assisi Hospice Fun Fair tickets to either Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng. Put it into an envelope with your name written on it.

3. There is a change to serving mass. For all Masses, during the "I Confess...", servers are to only hit their chest ONCE at the words "My Fault". (Not three times at the words "My thoughts... my words... I have done.

4. Servers involved in cassock exchange, are to change their cassocks by this weekend. Servers who have problems exchanging are to look for Bryan Khoo.

5. The following group scheduled for Flower Making this Sunday at 1pm:
a. St James, St Paul and St john

6. The following group scheduled for Flower Making this Sunday at 2.30pm:
a. St Joseph and St Luke
b. All are to wait outside the canteen.

7. Group 2 is serving Novena this Saturday, 28th May.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Announcements 14 – 15 May, 4th Sunday of Easter

1. All servers are to take note that the Servers’ Retreat is on 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it. Please take home a copy of the Retreat consent form and get it signed and return by 29th May, Sunday.

2. There are complaints that servers have been misbehaving themselves during the ticket sales. All servers are reminded to be on their best behaviour as they are representatives of Christ, Assisi Hospice and our Society. Group leaders will read out the rules to follow when selling the Assisi tickets.

3. There is a change to serving mass. For all Masses, during the "I Confess...", servers are to only hit their chest ONCE at the words "My Fault". (Not three times at the words "My thoughts... my words... I have done.

4. Servers are to hand up the $50 for the Assisi Hospice Fun Fair tickets to either Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng. Put it into an envelope with your name written on it.

5. Servers involved in cassock exchange, are to change their cassocks by this weekend. Servers who have problems exchanging are to look for Bryan Khoo.

6. The ticket sales roster is up on the noticeboard. All servers are to not down their scheduled time slots. Changes including exemption will only be approved by Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng.

7. Group 1 is serving Novena this Saturday, 21st May.

Rules when selling Assisi tickets at churches

During the ticket sales:

a. Do not run around
b. Do not make unnecessary noise
c. Observe safety at all times (road safety)
d. Do not hound the parishioners to buy tickets 5-10 mins before Mass begins.
e. Respect the decisions of the Parishioners if they are unwilling to purchase tickets from you.
f. Be polite and grateful to the parishioners at all times even if they don’t buy from you.
g. Do not lose the money or tickets. Otherwise you will have to pay for the losses.
h. If you intend to purchase snacks or drinks from a vending machine, inform your facilitators before disappearing.
i. The parent volunteers will drive you to your doorstep after the ticket sales. No compromises will be entertained.
j. Only hold and sell tickets that were issued to you directly. You should not pass tickets to each other.

All Outreach Rosters

Hey all the following link is the most updated roster,please check that which HOSPICE ROSTER, FLOWER ROSTER ect, you are assign to. Thank you.
  • Complete Collection Of Outreach Rosters
  • Retreat Consent Forms

  • Retreat consent Form
  • Saturday, May 07, 2011

    Announcements 7 – 8 May, 3rd Sunday of Easter

    1. All servers are to take not that the Servers’ Retreat is on 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it.

    2. The cassock exchange list is on the cupboard, please check if you are involved. Servers are to change their cassocks by this weekend. Servers who have problems exchanging are to look for Bryan Khoo.

    3. The ticket sales roster is up on the noticeboard. All servers are to not down their scheduled time slots. Changes including exemption will only be approved by Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng.

    4. The following groups will be involved in ticket sales on Saturday, 14th May. Please refer to the outreach roster for the assembly time and other details. Facilitators to remind and ensure.
    a. St. Francis of Assisi
    b. St John Vianney

    5. The cross from now on will be kept in the sacristy during mass, so the Cross bearer will go straight into the sacristy after procession.

    6. Servers are reminded to fulfil their weekday mass obligation, and serve 1 weekday mass a week. Servers are also reminded to mark their attendance.

    7. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips during the June holidays.

    8. Group 5 are serving Novena this Saturday, 14th May.

    Sunday, May 01, 2011

    Announcements 30 April – 1 May, Divine Mercy Sunday

    1. Holy Water Distribution Roster is out on the cupboard, check if you are involved.

    2. The ticket sales roster is up on the noticeboard. All servers are to not down their scheduled time slots. Changes including exemption will only be approved by Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng.

    3. The following groups will be involved in ticket sales on Saturday, 7th May. Please refer to the outreach roster for the assembly time and other details. Facilitators to remind and ensure.
    a. St. Joseph
    b. St Jude
    c. St Paul

    4. The cross from now on will be kept in the sacristy during mass, so the Cross bearer will go straight into the sacristy after procession.

    5. Servers are reminded to fulfil their weekday mass obligation, and serve 1 weekday mass a week. Servers are also reminded to mark their attendance.

    6. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips.

    7. Group 4 are serving Novena this Saturday, 7th May.