Saturday, January 12, 2013

Announcements 12th – 13th Jan 2012, The Baptism of the Lord

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Jan has been published.
b.     Group 3 servers will be serving the Novena service on next Sat, 18th Jan.
c.     The society’s hierarchy for 2013 has been published.
d.     The contact list for 2012 has been published.  Please obtain a copy.  There should not be any excuse for servers not to have the contact numbers of their fellow members. 
e.     As part of their spiritual formation and community building, servers secondary 1 and above are to have regular attendance for Friday night bible sharing from 830pm to 10pm.

2.     Canteen and Chinese New Year Cookie Sales (High Importance)
a.     BOTH Canteen and Chinese New Year Goodie Sales rosters have been UPDATED.  Please check when you are down for duty and be punctual.  If you are unable to report for duty, please exchange your slot with another server and notify an Exco member.  Please notify Head of Administration II, Justin Yeo immediately if your duty clashes with your normal weekend mass duty or catechism class.  Report in servers’ t-shirt.  Shoes to be worn.
b.     The Canteen form MUST be submitted latest this Sun, 12th Jan.  Drop it in the transparent box in the sacristy.  Servers are urged to be considerate to the canteen planning committee as they require sufficient time to compile the list of contributions.
                                               i.     Food contributions are to be in the canteen by 7am on Sun, 20th Jan
                                             ii.     Love offerings are to be placed in an envelope stating the amount and name of server and dropped into the transparent box.
c.     Chinese New Year goodies order forms are to be submitted along with the exact amount of cash in an envelope to any of the following Council members.  Please remember to collect your receipt from them.
                                               i.     Raphael Ng
                                             ii.     Nicholas Lim
                                            iii.     Luke Yeo
                                            iv.     Andre Dumont

3.     Cassock exchange
a.     The cassock exchange list is out.  All servers are given till 31st Jan to exchange their cassocks and sign on the cassock cupboard list.
b.     All servers on the list are to make arrangements to exchange their cassocks with the other server on the list on their own.  Cassocks should be washed and ironed before exchange.
c.     Please contact Luke Yeo or Emanuel Lee if there are any problems.  Servers on the list which are still using a poorly fitted cassock because they have neglected to change it by Thu, 31st Jan will not be allowed to serve masses till they have made the exchange.
d.     Servers whose names are marked with an asterisk* on the list will not receive their new cassock yet till the second exchange in 2013.