Saturday, January 26, 2013

Announcements 26th – 27th Jan 2012, 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Feb has been published.
b.     Group 5 servers will be serving the Novena service on next Sat, 2nd Feb.

2.     Chinese New Year
a.     Masses are as follows
                                               i.     Sat, 9th Feb – Sunset mass is at 4pm.  No novena devotion
                                             ii.     Sun, 10th Feb – Normal weekend masses at 7am, 9am and 11am but no evening mass (Group 5 servers to serve another mass and inform the respective group leaders beforehand)
                                            iii.     Mon, 11th Feb – Only one weekday mass at 830am.  No evening mass.
                                            iv.     Tue, 11th Feb – Only one weekday mass at 830am.  No evening mass.

3.     Important administrative instructions for Exco Members and Group Leaders (High importance)
a.     There is a stack of instructions concerning Spiritual Preparation before masses for each Exco Member and Group Leader on the high table.  It is marked with each person’s name.
b.     Each Exco Members and Group Leader is to take a copy home to read.  There should only be 1 copy left in the sacristy high table.  All instructions are to be adhered to with immediate effect.  Please contact Raphael Ng if unsure of any points made.

4.     Year of Faith
a.     In line with the Year of Faith activities for the parish, all servers secondary 1 and above are to attend the talk on the Creed this Friday, 1st Feb, 8pm in the Parish Hall.  It is entitled “The Mystery of Creation”.  There will be no sharing this week.  

5.     Canteen and Chinese New Year Cookie Sales (High Importance)
a.     BOTH Canteen and Chinese New Year Goodie Sales rosters have been UPDATED.  Please check when you are down for duty and be punctual.  If you are unable to report for duty, please exchange your slot with another server and notify an Exco member.  Report in servers’ t-shirt.  Shoes to be worn.
b.     The following servers are to submit their love offerings to the transparent box after debrief as the society needs to close its accounts for the canteen. 
                                               i.     Carlos Limpo - $20
                                             ii.     Dennis Wee - $10
                                            iii.     Joel Leong - $50
                                            iv.     Joshua Wee - $50
                                              v.     Michael Yeo - $30

6.     Cassock exchange
a.     The cassock exchange list is out.  All servers are given till Thu, 31st Jan to exchange their cassocks and sign on the cassock cupboard list.
b.     All servers on the list are to make arrangements to exchange their cassocks with the other server on the list on their own.  Cassocks should be washed and ironed before exchange.
c.     Please contact Luke Yeo or Emanuel Lee if there are any problems.  Servers on the list which are still using a poorly fitted cassock because they have neglected to change it by Thu, 31st Jan will not be allowed to serve masses till they have made the exchange.
d.     Servers whose names are marked with an asterisk* on the list will not receive their new cassock yet till the second exchange in 2013.