Sunday, March 24, 2013

Announcements 23rd – 24th Mar 2012, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Mar has been published.
b.     No morning mass on Thursday as only the Chrism Mass and Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper is permitted.
c.     No morning mass and novena service next Sat, 30th Mar.
d.     Masses and services within the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil) are not counted as weekday masses. Servers to serve one weekday mass by Wednesday evening.
e.     Next Sunday, 24th Mar is Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord.  Please bring cape and sash.

2.     Sharing
a.     No sharing for servers secondary 1and above this Fri, 29th Mar due to Good Friday. 

a.     Holy week rosters are out.  Please check ALL rosters to see when you are assigned for masses, services, training, holy hour, or other special duties.  Note down all dates and times.  Forgetting to check and take note will not be accepted for an excuse.
b.     If you wish to change your time slots, please swap on your own and inform an Exco Member at least 3 days in advance of the actual date.  However, servers who are duty leaders or duty sacristans can only swap with a duty leader and a duty sacristan respectively.
c.     Punctuality is to be observed.

d.     Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Thu, 28th Mar 630pm)
                                               i.     FULL SOCIETY MASS
                                             ii.     For duty sacristan
1.     Start setup from 2pm onwards
                                            iii.     For  trainers and mass team
1.     Report to sacristy by 430pm
2.     Bring cape and sash
3.     No dinner provided.  Consume a heavy lunch.
                                            iv.     For all other servers
1.     Report  to Basement Chapel by 5pm
2.     Bring cape, sash and rosary
3.     No dinner provided.  Consume a heavy lunch.
                                              v.     Holy hour/Silent Adoration (8pm to 12am)
1.     Check roster
2.     Report to sacristy 15 minutes before assigned time slot.
3.     Bring cape and sash

e.     Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord, Services (Fri, 29th Mar, 9am, 1130am and 3pm)
                                               i.     Training this Sunday, 24th Mar.  Inform Joshua Wong, Head Trainer if you are unable to turn up or wish to train at another time slot.  Provide a valid reason for your request.
1.     Servers on 9am roster (train from 1pm-1.45pm)
2.     Servers on 11.30am roster (train from 2pm-2.45pm)
3.     Servers on 3pm roster (train from 3pm-3.45pm)
                                             ii.     Duty Sacristan
1.     Start setup 1 hour 15 minutes before start of service
                                            iii.     Duty Leader
1.     Carry out spiritual preparation 30 minutes before mass
                                            iv.     All servers
1.     Report 1 hour before start of service
2.     Bring sash
                                              v.     Passion Play/Stations of the Cross (Fri, 29th Mar, 730pm)
1.     All directors, cast, crew and torch bearers to report to sacristy by 5pm for full dress rehearsal.
2.     Bring $5 for dinner delivery.

f.      Easter Vigil, Mass (Sat, 30th Mar, 730pm)
                                               i.     Counted as weekend mass for mass team only.  Group leaders and sacristans are still to ensure that their duties for their respective mass groups are carried out by them or by appointed replacements.
                                             ii.     Duty Sacristan
1.     Start setup from 430pm onwards
                                            iii.     Mass Team
1.     Report at 530pm for training
2.     Bring $5 for dinner delivery
3.     Bring cape and sash
                                            iv.     Group 1 servers not on mass team
1.     Required to serve another weekend mass
2.     Inform group leader of the mass they are serving

g.     Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord (Sun, 31st Mar)
1.     Mass times as per normal
2.     Servers on the holy water distribution roster
a.     Report 5 minutes before duty time slot commences
b.     Bring cape and sash