Saturday, May 25, 2013

Announcements 25th – 26th May 2012, Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Jun has been published.  Servers are not to give excuses to say that they did not check the roster, even if they do not receive a call from the Special Events ICs.  Special Events ICs, however need to also be prompt in calling up those on rosters.
b.     Group 1 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 1st May.
c.     The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) will be celebrated next weekend.  Servers to bring cape and sash.
d.     Servers on holiday are to serve 2 weekday masses per week (one morning and one evening mass)
e.     All appointment holders going on holiday are to ensure that their duties are covered by an able replacement during their time of leave.  Being on holiday is not an excuse to neglect one’s duty.
2.     Sharing
a.     Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 will be cancelled this Fri, 31st May due to retreat preparations.

3.     Gift Bearers Retreat
a.     All appointment holders to check the rosters and note that they have been assigned to lead parents in intercessory prayers during the nights of the Gift Bearers Camp on Thu 6th Jun and Fri, 7th June.  All other servers are welcomed to join in.

a.     Please note the extremely important CHANGES to the reporting time and venue and dismissal time and venue.
                                               i.     Reporting and dismissal venues: SFX Church IHM Retreat House (Behind IHM Church)
                                             ii.     Reporting Time: Mon, 3rd June, 0900H 0930H (PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL)
                                            iii.     Dismissal Time: Wed 5th June, 1900H 1600H
b.     All are reminded to bring an ez-link card for the retreat.
c.     All servers who are not staying throughout the retreat with a valid reason are to inform Andre Dumont on the date and time they will arrive or leave by Sun, 27th May 12.  
d.     The following servers are to hand in their signed retreat consent forms immediately after mass, regardless of whether or not they are going.
                                               i.     Colin Hernandez
                                             ii.     Emanuel Lee
                                            iii.     Emmanuel Er
                                            iv.     Ethan Galistan
                                              v.     Jonathan Ho
                                            vi.     Martin Hernandez
                                           vii.     Timothy Wong

5.     Training
a.     All Exco members and Group Leaders to ensure that servers in their groups place their hands in the same position as they would be when serving mass from the start of the Radiating Christ prayer onwards.  This is to encourage the right disposition before mass and reduce distractions.

6.     Rosary
a.     All servers are reminded to bring a rosary for spiritual preparation before weekday mass.  It has been observed that many have made it a habit to forget.  Rosary rings and cards are allowed.  However, “virtual rosaries” on electronic devices are prohibited as they may pose a distraction to others.

7.     Archbishop’s Cup

a.     The following servers are to hand in the necessary documents to Justin Yeo latest by Sun, 26th May.  Place them into the plastic file marked “Archbishop’s Cup near the sink.  Servers with incomplete submissions risk getting their teams disqualified.  All are urged to be considerate and remind each other.

Indemnity Form
Baptism Cert (Original)
Baptism Cert (Copy)
Ez link card copy
Emmanuel Er
Joshua Wee