Saturday, June 29, 2013

Announcements 29th – 30th Jun 2012, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Jul has been published.  All are responsible to check. 
b.     Group 1 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 6th Jul.

2.     Sharing
a.     Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 and above will be at 830pm this Fri, 5th Jul.

3.     Vestments
a.     All servers are reminded to ensure they do not leave any of the vestments entrusted to them (Cassocks, Capes, Sashes) in the Sacristy for more than 12 continuous hours.  Even if they may be serving mass later in the day, these vestments should be kept, and not should be left behind in the sacristy, with exceptions allowed on a case-by-case basis.
b.     Cinctures are NOT to be worn at hip level (where the hip bone is) or lower but always at the waist, where the position of the umbilicus (also known as the navel or belly button) can be used as a gauge because
                                               i.     The proper location for a cincture is at the tummy area as one is supposed to feel oneself being restrained (girded) which symbolizes
1.     Being tied to God
2.     Obedience and submission to God
3.     Readiness to do battle against sin
                                             ii.     The cassock also tends to be pushed up and crumple when the cincture is worn low at the hip.
                                            iii.     The vesting prayers related to this is as follows: "Gird me O Lord and make me pure, quench in my heart the fire of desire, that the virtue of obedience and chastity may abide in me"

4.     Proclaim 2013 
a.     There will be a Youth Conference held at the CAYC from the 8th to 10th August 2013. Servers from ages 17-25 are strongly encouraged to attend. Those are interested can register before the 31st July. Registration costs $100.
More information can be found at the CAYC website, at