Monday, June 24, 2013

23nd – 24th June 2012: Twelveth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for June has been published.  All are responsible to check. 
b.     Group 5 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 29th June 2013.
c.     Servers on holiday are to serve 2 weekday masses per week (one morning and one evening mass).
d.     Those unable to fulfil this requirement due to a valid excuse are to submit a letter of excuse signed by their parents.
e.     All appointment holders going on holiday are to ensure that their duties are covered by an able replacement during their time of leave. Being on holiday is not an excuse to neglect one’s duty. The appointment holders are to inform their heads of their replacements.
f.      Servers that wish to serve a weekend mass other than their original mass group, are required to inform BOTH their group leaders, as well as the group leaders of the group they intend to serve with. If a server fails to do this, the group leaders have a right to disallow him from serving mass, after a warning, if their reason for not informing the Group Leaders of the mass switch, is insufficient.

2.     Attire
a.     All Group Leaders to inspect all members during debrief to check if
                                               i.     Ankles are visible upon kneeling.  If so, proceed to check
1.     If ankles are fully covered by the sock.
2.     If the socks are of striking or bright colour. 
                                             ii.     If either one of both of the above conditions (1 and 2) are found,  Group Leaders are to ensure that the server wears socks of appropriate length and colour the next time he serves, unless he is able to conceal his ankles (and socks) by other reasonable means, such as wearing longer trousers.
                                            iii.     Group Leaders to report the status of this issue to Nigel Chew by Sunday, 23rd June. 

3.     Sharing
a.     Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 and above will be at 830pm this Fri, 28th June 2013.  The youth ministry will not be leading the opening session.

4.     Rosary
a.     All servers are reminded that spiritual preparation starts half an hour before each mass and they are required to be punctual.
b.     Servers are to bring their Rosary for Spiritual Preparation before weekday masses.

5.     In the absence of President
a.     Raphael Ng will be overseas from 10th to 27th Jun.
b.     Please note the following appointment holders who have been appointed to discharge his duties during this time
                                               i.     All important matters: Nicholas Lim
                                             ii.     Chairman of Exco meetings: Nicholas Lim
                                            iii.     Announcements: Andre Dumont
                                            iv.     Exco member supervising Saturday morning: Joshua Wong
                                              v.     Exco member supervising Sunday 11am: Geoffrey Tan
6.     Archbishop’s Cup
a.     Some of our servers will be participating in the Archbishop's Cup on the 29th of June, Saturday 7.30am, at Tampines Safra. You are all encouraged to attend to support our players.
b.     All servers who have contacted Nicholas Lim, expressing their interest of attending the Archbishop’s Cup, are reminded that the bus ride is ONE WAY.
c.     All players and supporters are to be in church on the 29th of June by 6.30am as the bus will leave at 6.35am sharp.
7.     Sacristan Duties
a.     All Sacristans are reminded to take responsibility for their sacristan duties by ensuring they know when they are.
b.     Sacristans are to also ensure they arrive early enough to set up for mass.
8.     Vestments*
a.     All servers are to ensure they do not leave any of the vestments entrusted to them (Cassocks, Capes, Sashes) in the Sacristy for more than 12 hours. Even if they may be serving mass later in the day, these vestments should be kept, and not should be left behind in the sacristy, with exceptions allowed on a case-by-case basis.
b.     This is to ensure that servers remain responsible for these vestments which have been entrusted unto them, bearing in mind that these vestments do not belong to them, and will ultimately be returned to the society once these servers retire. (except in the case a server purchases his own vestments).
c.     This is also to emphasise that serving is a privilege and not a right, and therefore servers should take better care of the vestments in which they serve.
d.     Any cassock found to be left in the Sacristy after this weekend, WILL BE CONFISCATED.
9.       Proclaim 2013
a.     There will be a Youth Conference held at the CAYC from the 8th to 10th August 2013. Servers from ages 17-25 are strongly encouraged to attend. Those are interested can register before the 31st July. Registration costs $100.
b.     More information can be found at the CAYC website, at